Thank you for Physios (Dave Holmes at Tower Physio) and Massage Therapists (Christine Leslie at Chiropractic Performance and Sport Centre).
First "hiccup" after my long run on July 18.....
Pauline and I did an 18 km run, all was going well (10 min run, 1 min walk intervals) until the last 1.5 km. Then my right hip started to ache. I thought - "Oh, you're just tired and we're almost done anyway."
Next day, not so happy body. Had a massage booked and thought, that'll be the ticket to settle things down. Major muscle spasm, even after massage. OK, I think it may be more than soft tissue if massage isn't settling things down. Panic call to Tower Physio and I was able to get in to see Dave. Diagnosis => likely irritated and inflamed hip joint, there's hope for me and I think Dave saw the terror in my eyes. My race is in 10 days!!
More physio and massage treatments (not on the same day though) and I feel ready. Hip is settling down, water running this week, swimming as usual, and biking is OK. I'm confidant I'll be "race ready" on Sunday.
Second "hiccup". Check the "final" athlete's list for the 70.3. Hmmm, my name's not there? Check the old Visa statement as I'm positive I registered in January. Nope, no charge on my Visa either. OK then, get out the Visa and register for the 70.3. WHEW!!! I have a confirmation email, so I assume I'm in. Had an email today from the Race Director - late registration so no package pickup until Friday. Better late than never. What would I have done if I went and no package for me? Who cares?! I'm in.
Good luck everyone - think good karma thoughts for me and my hip...
Cheers, Cindy
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Oh my, I didn't anticipate this would happen, just like that....
Before I left for Europe in early June I sent my little yellow Cannondale to Drumheller with my nephew Logan so he could train for our team triathlon in Canmore. I had just had it in to Cam at Speed Theory for a major tune-up. It was ready to go.
Logan did a fine job riding the little yellow bike in Canmore, with the seat up high, as I watched. I was proud of both of them.
These past weeks since Canmore, I've been on my "very fast red bike" (Argon 18 E112) and the little yellow bike has been in the storage room. This morning I thought I'd take it out for a spin b/c I was going for a leisurely ride with my training buddy, Pauline. We had to change our route near the beginning of our ride b/c we suddenly were getting swallowed up in a "sea of pink" by "The Walk to End Breast Cancer". A little crowded....
So we redirected ourselves out to Chestermere, via the pathway. We completed a 50 km ride and it was beautiful - sunny, hot, deserted. As we headed home, on a sore bum, sore shoulders, and a slower speed than I've become accustomed to (dare I say that out loud?) I realized maybe I didn't need to keep the little yellow Cannondale? Could it be? Was I ready to say, "Goodbye old friend?" Yup, I think so. I love my "new red bike".
My little yellow Cannondale is going to go up on eBay. It's a 2002 Cannondale "Warrior 700R", frame size small (~49 cm) with a Polar CS200 bike computer with cadence and heart rate monitor, Profile Design tri-bars and 2 water bottle cages. I'm not sure of the price, but I hope I can find a good home for it.....
Funny weekend for me and bikes. I felt like I had a stable of horses - all needed to be exercised. Saturday was a nice ride on my Argon 18 tri-bike, Sunday morning was my Cannondale road bike, and Sunday afternoon was my Trek mountain bike, which I consider "my commuter" bike.
All bikes accounted for and decision made. Any takers?
PS -1 week to Calgary 70.3, the count down is on.....
Ciao, Cindy
Before I left for Europe in early June I sent my little yellow Cannondale to Drumheller with my nephew Logan so he could train for our team triathlon in Canmore. I had just had it in to Cam at Speed Theory for a major tune-up. It was ready to go.
Logan did a fine job riding the little yellow bike in Canmore, with the seat up high, as I watched. I was proud of both of them.
These past weeks since Canmore, I've been on my "very fast red bike" (Argon 18 E112) and the little yellow bike has been in the storage room. This morning I thought I'd take it out for a spin b/c I was going for a leisurely ride with my training buddy, Pauline. We had to change our route near the beginning of our ride b/c we suddenly were getting swallowed up in a "sea of pink" by "The Walk to End Breast Cancer". A little crowded....
So we redirected ourselves out to Chestermere, via the pathway. We completed a 50 km ride and it was beautiful - sunny, hot, deserted. As we headed home, on a sore bum, sore shoulders, and a slower speed than I've become accustomed to (dare I say that out loud?) I realized maybe I didn't need to keep the little yellow Cannondale? Could it be? Was I ready to say, "Goodbye old friend?" Yup, I think so. I love my "new red bike".
My little yellow Cannondale is going to go up on eBay. It's a 2002 Cannondale "Warrior 700R", frame size small (~49 cm) with a Polar CS200 bike computer with cadence and heart rate monitor, Profile Design tri-bars and 2 water bottle cages. I'm not sure of the price, but I hope I can find a good home for it.....
Funny weekend for me and bikes. I felt like I had a stable of horses - all needed to be exercised. Saturday was a nice ride on my Argon 18 tri-bike, Sunday morning was my Cannondale road bike, and Sunday afternoon was my Trek mountain bike, which I consider "my commuter" bike.
All bikes accounted for and decision made. Any takers?
PS -1 week to Calgary 70.3, the count down is on.....
Ciao, Cindy
Monday, July 19, 2010
An addendum to yesterday's post....
After talking to the Tri Club coaches, the advice given is -> keep building and not too much of a taper since I had a 3 week break - ie: get on the bike! OK then, I asked for the advice, so I'll do my best to keep up my killer hill repeats and running/brick workouts this week.
Gotta go, I'm busy.
Ciao, Cindy
After talking to the Tri Club coaches, the advice given is -> keep building and not too much of a taper since I had a 3 week break - ie: get on the bike! OK then, I asked for the advice, so I'll do my best to keep up my killer hill repeats and running/brick workouts this week.
Gotta go, I'm busy.
Ciao, Cindy
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Being back from vacation and back to training has been a bit scary these past 2 weeks. It's hard not to psyche myself out at times. After Canmore, I thought things would just fall back into place. I had a few days to acclimate myself prior to my return to work and training. What I didn't expect was some lingering jetlag? or just sheer exhaustion?
Swimming my first 2 weeks back has been disappointing. It's hard not to compare yourself to others, and I know I shouldn't, but I was discouraged to be passed by my lane mate in Talsiman Tri Club morning swims. Could I lag that much in 3 weeks? Apparently so... OK, never mind what your neighbour is doing, just get on with it. This person has been training hard and reaping the rewards - they deserve it. Jon and Grant (coaches extraordinaire) will help me work on improving my efficiency - thanks guys. I'm going to put in the work and make an effort too.
Biking hasn't been atrocious - I love my "new red bike" - it's very fast, and I love getting on it. A few challenging rides weren't necessarily the issue, it was the "3 hour nap" that progressed to not getting out of bed until the next morning that was scaring me - acckkk, do I really need 12 hours of sleep? I haven't been feeling "sick", so I guess it's just my body telling me to rest? My concern is that I had 3 days last week like that. Not really sure what that's been about, but I hope it's out of my system.
I'm going to end this post on a positive note.
Since I've been "well rested" I had a great bike on July 17. I repeated the previous weekend ride - 2 loops of the first 1/2 of the 70.3 course (1 loop forward, then reverse = 96 km); added in a convenient "recovery soak" in Ghost Lk post ride; nailed my nutrition on the bike; did a short run off the bike; and finished the day off with a healthy post ride meal and dinner that evening.
A good sleep led to the group run on July 18. I had so much difficulty last year getting a long run in the day after a long ride - I just didn't have the stamina. This year my recovery nutrition (immediately after a workout - Hammer's Recoverite, and a healthy meal at home) has improved immensely and I think that's been the biggest difference. Granted, running isn't easy for me, but I do enjoy it for the most part now. I still struggle with my longer runs (thanks Pauline for putting up with me), but I don't fall apart until farther in now....
I'm going to stay positive, complete some shorter, more intense workouts this week, then taper into the week before the 70.3 (where I'm going to be 1.5 hours faster than last year!)
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Team Cold Blooded was successful...
It was fun to complete it with Logan (my nephew) and Kunda (who stepped up when Gavin had to work). I keep telling those kids not to grow up - too many responsibilities.....
It was fun to complete it with Logan (my nephew) and Kunda (who stepped up when Gavin had to work). I keep telling those kids not to grow up - too many responsibilities.....
- These prairie boys (ie: non-swimmers) live in Drumheller, so I picked up our race package on Sat am, and printed off the "Athlete's Guide", which I do read, especially if it's a new race/venue I haven't been to before.
- We had a pre-race meeting (review/pack gear), a light dinner at home in Calgary on Sat night, then headed out to Canmore. They slept all the way, which was good b/c I headed out east on Hwy 1 initially. Since I forgot the paper with the hotel name and address on it we went to the Tourist Info in Canmore - they're open 'til 10:00 pm! (See, you can be blonde and resourceful). We then went to scope out the venue and drive the bike course - this map is included in the athlete's guide, along with swim location, T1 & T2 locations, bike course description & map, and usually run course too. We should have discussed pre-race apparel - early mornings are cool and I seemed to be the only one with a coat and long pants; hat and socks wouldn't have been out of place either....
- The first thing they were really excited to hear was how early we had to be up and on our way (6:00 am compromised to 6:15 from 6:30) and be at the venue by 7:00 am. This cut into "texting" time that evening as we turned the lights out early - I'm sure they had their phones going under the covers though...
- Race day! Arrive at the Nordic Center - set up transition area, get body marked (race # on arms, age on l calf, distance on other calf ("O"lympic vs "S"print) get timing chip, listen to pre-race meeting info (mandatory).
- They had assigned spots in T1 so we racked the bike, set out the brightest, ugliest towel I own (pink floral), noted the bike rack row and # of supports b/w the end and our spot to find our bike after the swim. Bike helmet on tri bars with sunglasses and gloves; on towel - race # on race belt, bike shoes/socks ready to go, nutrition (gels, honey stingers, bottles - (2) gatorade + water) on bike.
- Wet suits are fun to put on - "Body Glide" looks like deodorant, but goes on your skin to ease the "tight spots" for a more comfortable wet suit fit - neck, shoulders, front/back of armpits, wrists, thighs, ankles and makes getting out of the west suit easier too. Then we have goggles and swim cap (race issued and mandatory to wear). Get in the water about 15 minutes prior to your start - warm up, adjust goggles, GET FACE WET/HEAD IN WATER!
- Out of water after swim, undo wet suit on way to TI/bike, strip off to waist, then remove goggles and swim cap (need 2 hands free to get wetsuit 1/2 off and run at same time).
- Review order of getting going on the bike - helmet on & done up, exchange timing chip (L ankle) so if it gets loose doesn't catch in bike chain, sunglasses, shoes/socks, gloves, race belt with # on backside, run out of transition to "bike mount line". Follow the rules on the bike course to avoid penalties. Count your laps or use your bike computer to keep track of distance, thank the volunteers along the route.
- Back to T2 after bike - rack bike, then helmet off, exchange timing chip & race belt - # on front of runner, change to running shoes, hat, sunglasses, hydration. GO! RUN! Remember to thank the volunteers on the route.
- Cross finish line victorious - hands in air, crowd cheering, it's all good.
- Get the t-shirt, enjoy the free post race meal (it was yummy at Canmore), and stick around for the awards & "swag" (you usually have to be present to be eligible for a door prize). AAAHHHH done! Bask in the glory that it's over and you survived.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
A New Take on Bikes and Function...
Ahhhh, vacations are the best form of rejuvenation.
Now, if I could eliminate jetlag, all the better. We'll see if I have to use it as an excuse as I complete the Olympic distance triathlon at Canmore. Should be fine, I'm doing the swim on a team with my nephew, Logan, who'll ride my bike; and his friend, Kunda, who will do the run. The other nephew had to work.... (Nope, jetlag wasn't a factor and our team did just fine. Nice job boys.)
I did a pretty good job of keeping up training (mostly running) while away for 3 weeks. Interesting to run in a new place when English isn't on the street signs -> solution, only turn left or right and viola you are back to where you started. This actually worked in Finland! I can really relate to others who say running is so portable and easy. I found I was able to fit it in quite easily every second day in the am prior to activities for the day. I know if I had left it 'til the end of day I would've been whining -"My feet are tired". I had my Garmin 305 with me and it picked up satelites wherever I was.
Sweden focused on biking. I traded in my usual 20 gears for 3 on "cruiser" rental bike #32. I had a hard time braking, b/c it was pedal backwards. I was skidding my back tire just like a 10 year old! Rode my bike to IKEA; changed my friends flat back tire; road around the waterfront in Malmo. Put in about 150 km on very flat terrain with great vistas and interesting architecture over the course of the week. Saw some interesting "art" a bike in a "tea cosy"?
Had a few swims/saunas in Finland and swam in an outdoor 50 m pool in Sweden on a gloriously sunny, warm day.
I even got in a few runs in Ireland. Now that is dedication b/c there is good craic their that can certainly take over from training. Met some interesting people at my friends wedding - a marathon runner and another girl who did triathlons. They seem to be better at the "after workout" socializing than we are. I like their attitude - they have a favourite "post workout" pub that they go to! They are so into "sexy Itlaian" gear - Wilier bikes, Rudy project glasses, and the list goes on.....
Now I need to get refocused as Calgary 70.3 is only 4 weeks away! Canmore will help with that. Wish me luck....
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