Team Cold Blooded was successful...
It was fun to complete it with Logan (my nephew) and Kunda (who stepped up when Gavin had to work). I keep telling those kids not to grow up - too many responsibilities.....
It was fun to complete it with Logan (my nephew) and Kunda (who stepped up when Gavin had to work). I keep telling those kids not to grow up - too many responsibilities.....
- These prairie boys (ie: non-swimmers) live in Drumheller, so I picked up our race package on Sat am, and printed off the "Athlete's Guide", which I do read, especially if it's a new race/venue I haven't been to before.
- We had a pre-race meeting (review/pack gear), a light dinner at home in Calgary on Sat night, then headed out to Canmore. They slept all the way, which was good b/c I headed out east on Hwy 1 initially. Since I forgot the paper with the hotel name and address on it we went to the Tourist Info in Canmore - they're open 'til 10:00 pm! (See, you can be blonde and resourceful). We then went to scope out the venue and drive the bike course - this map is included in the athlete's guide, along with swim location, T1 & T2 locations, bike course description & map, and usually run course too. We should have discussed pre-race apparel - early mornings are cool and I seemed to be the only one with a coat and long pants; hat and socks wouldn't have been out of place either....
- The first thing they were really excited to hear was how early we had to be up and on our way (6:00 am compromised to 6:15 from 6:30) and be at the venue by 7:00 am. This cut into "texting" time that evening as we turned the lights out early - I'm sure they had their phones going under the covers though...
- Race day! Arrive at the Nordic Center - set up transition area, get body marked (race # on arms, age on l calf, distance on other calf ("O"lympic vs "S"print) get timing chip, listen to pre-race meeting info (mandatory).
- They had assigned spots in T1 so we racked the bike, set out the brightest, ugliest towel I own (pink floral), noted the bike rack row and # of supports b/w the end and our spot to find our bike after the swim. Bike helmet on tri bars with sunglasses and gloves; on towel - race # on race belt, bike shoes/socks ready to go, nutrition (gels, honey stingers, bottles - (2) gatorade + water) on bike.
- Wet suits are fun to put on - "Body Glide" looks like deodorant, but goes on your skin to ease the "tight spots" for a more comfortable wet suit fit - neck, shoulders, front/back of armpits, wrists, thighs, ankles and makes getting out of the west suit easier too. Then we have goggles and swim cap (race issued and mandatory to wear). Get in the water about 15 minutes prior to your start - warm up, adjust goggles, GET FACE WET/HEAD IN WATER!
- Out of water after swim, undo wet suit on way to TI/bike, strip off to waist, then remove goggles and swim cap (need 2 hands free to get wetsuit 1/2 off and run at same time).
- Review order of getting going on the bike - helmet on & done up, exchange timing chip (L ankle) so if it gets loose doesn't catch in bike chain, sunglasses, shoes/socks, gloves, race belt with # on backside, run out of transition to "bike mount line". Follow the rules on the bike course to avoid penalties. Count your laps or use your bike computer to keep track of distance, thank the volunteers along the route.
- Back to T2 after bike - rack bike, then helmet off, exchange timing chip & race belt - # on front of runner, change to running shoes, hat, sunglasses, hydration. GO! RUN! Remember to thank the volunteers on the route.
- Cross finish line victorious - hands in air, crowd cheering, it's all good.
- Get the t-shirt, enjoy the free post race meal (it was yummy at Canmore), and stick around for the awards & "swag" (you usually have to be present to be eligible for a door prize). AAAHHHH done! Bask in the glory that it's over and you survived.
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