Haven't been blogging much of late, but I have been busy. Busy for Christmas! This starts in November for me because I like to make my Christmas gifts. They're not elaborate, but I really enjoy sewing and since I have 7 nieces and nephews (well 9 actually, but Angela and Amy both have kids now). I start my little "pajama factory" in November when Fabricland has a huge 50% off sale. I can't refuse a bargain, and I have a "one stop shop" for everything. I go their repeatedly though, which can be as irritating as a mall in December. Make a list for crying out loud...
The pajama tradition has been around for some time - Logan is now 21! (Angela and Amy were little when I was a teenager, so I don't remember if I made them PJ's, but I do remember making the occasional fancy dresses for them). The boys graduated from PJ's to sleep pants and then silly boxer shorts. Now the next generation are on the PJ tradition.... I wasn't sure if this was a good idea or not, but when Logan said - "I thought that was our thing Auntie Cindy" and I explained the little ones need the tradition too, he was ok to share. So the girls (Meagan 9, Gabrielle 7, and Claire 1) get a new pattern most years and I use the same patterns for Josh (5) and Ryan (4) as I used for Logan and Gavin at that age. I try to get everything done before December as most of it needs to get sent in the mail.
So..... that's what I've been doing. I have kept up with all my classes at the gym, but my independent workouts have suffered. Not getting in my runs - partly due to weather and the fact that the track at the gym is closed, so only getting 30 minutes on a treadmill is just irritating. I need to toughen up and get back outside. I took a break when Alan and Pauline went to Clearwater and that was my mistake, then the weather excuses started, then had to sew, and on it goes. I have been doing a good job of excuses though - just read this latest blog!
I do have some good news on the swimming front though. I think I've "got my arm back". Somewhere in the early fall/late summer, I lost all my speed and form, especially with my right arm. Then Jon pulled me out of the pool one morning and got me to reposition my arm - make your "elbow pit" face down as you initiate your catch. What's an elbow pit you ask? - bicipital fossa, inner elbow, or Jon speak = elbow pit. I feel my lats working now instead of killing my shoulders, so I think it's helped a great deal. I'm not really noticing much with my speed yet, but I feel more efficient. Thanks Jon (I gotta get my monies worth out of him before he heads west to Victoria in January).
Now that my gift making is completed I can get back to running. This will be good b/c I've signed up for the Resolution Run on Dec 31. It's 5km and you get a great jacket (I hear). So Pauline and I will get going again and Alan will be done in half our time, but it'll be fun. Since I also like to bake and will be getting that done in the next week - the majority for family and friends, that will keep me busy too. I'll get back to my routine and fit my baking in around my workouts.
I'm looking forward to the new year and have picked my classes for the winter session - swim/run on Tues/Thurs evening, Sat am bike, and an ETS bike on either Mon or Wed night. I love training and Grant has a lot of work ahead of him with me and my running. I'm going to get my monies worth out of him too!!
I'm not looking forward to seeing Jon go though :( But it's so cool that he's going to the National Training Centre in Victoria, BC in January - London 2012 here he comes....
I'm sure Jack will find a great replacement, but will he/she know how to "breathe through their legs"? Jon's not gone yet, so I'm sure he'll continue to work on that with all of us....
Ciao, Cindy
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